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2022.07.03 約翰福音6:60-71「生命的粮之四:歸从生命的主」

作家相片: Pastor Peter Liu 劉彼得牧師Pastor Peter Liu 劉彼得牧師

经文 :【约翰福音 6:60-71】














• 生命是什么?生命是肉体和灵魂的组合?还是仅仅是肉体?

• 什么是生命的真正定义呢? (v 63) 圣经的启示: 人乃是由肉体和灵组成的。人的生命包括肉体和灵。灵与肉成为生命体!肉体乃是承载灵的,灵活在肉体里。

• 圣经给出了灵性死亡和肉体死亡的原因:肉体因为人犯罪的缘故要死亡, 灵因为人犯罪的缘故与神隔绝。

• 灵是真生命,肉体乃是灵的衣服。



我们可以把人们对耶稣基督的自我启示:我是天上的粮, 分为三类:(1) 退去不信的人; (2)留下不信的人; (3) 留下相信的人。前两类人是一类人,同属于没命的人,不跟随耶稣的人。而后一类人才是真正相信耶稣得生命的人。

1. 不信的人没有生命 (v 60-66)


第一, 耶稣直接揭露他们的跟随他的动机。

第二, 他们没有准备好要交出自己的主权,因此无法跨域信心的一步。

第三, 他们无法接受耶稣基督宣告自己比摩西更大。

第四, 饼本身的隐喻冒犯了以色列人的禁忌。

耶稣也给出他们离开的真正原因: 耶稣对这些人的回答是:相信耶稣是天上的粮乃是天父的恩赐。得救乃是神的恩赐。

2. 背叛耶稣的人没有生命 (vv 70-71)

第二类人, 是门徒当中没有回应的人,也就是将来要出卖主的犹大。


第三类人,是十二个门徒中除犹大之外的,真正跟随相信耶稣的是十一个门徒。 (v 63)

• 耶稣基督所说的话和耶稣基督是不可分的。

• 真正相信耶稣是和相信他的话不可分开的(5:46-47)。

• 信他所说的话就是要效法耶稣。

主耶稣说: 「你们当进窄门,因为引到灭亡的门是宽的,路是大的,进去的人也多; 但引到生命的门是窄的,路是小的,找着的人也少」。 (太7:13-14)



1. 人无法靠自己找到真神

2. 信徒不可不清楚的真理

功课和教训 :

第一, 上帝的人类历史的拯救工作是主动的。

第二, 人要为自己的不信付上完全的责任。

第三, 得救相信的人乃是神的怜悯和拣选。


• 人类的犯罪是因为不信神的话。

• 人要得救的唯一道路就是相信神来救人。

• 彼得归从了基督!你归从耶稣基督了吗?

• 没有归从基督就没有属天的生命,没有真正的生命!

你知道耶稣吗?要知道他, 就要熟悉牢记耶稣基督的话,圣经!你相信他所说的一切话语吗?你知道了解圣经吗?这圣经乃是赐生命的宝贵话语!要读它,爱他,思想他,因为他是灵,他是你的生命!


Scripture: John 6:60-71

60 On hearing it, many of his disciples said, “This is a hard teaching. Who can accept it?”

61 Aware that his disciples were grumbling about this, Jesus said to them, “Does this offend you?

62 Then what if you see the Son of Man ascend to where he was before!

63 The Spirit gives life; the flesh counts for nothing. The words I have spoken to you—they are full of the Spirit[a] and life.

64 Yet there are some of you who do not believe.” For Jesus had known from the beginning which of them did not believe and who would betray him.

65 He went on to say, “This is why I told you that no one can come to me unless the Father has enabled them.”

66 From this time many of his disciples turned back and no longer followed him.

67 “You do not want to leave too, do you?” Jesus asked the Twelve.

68 Simon Peter answered him, “Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life.

69 We have come to believe and to know that you are the Holy One of God.”

70 Then Jesus replied, “Have I not chosen you, the Twelve? Yet one of you is a devil!”

71 (He meant Judas, the son of Simon Iscariot, who, though one of the Twelve, was later to betray him.)


· What is life? Is life a combination of body and soul? Or is it just the flesh?

· What is the true definition of life? (v 63) The revelation of the Bible: Man is composed of body and spirit. Human life includes body and spirit. Spirit and flesh become living bodies! The flesh carries the spirit and the spirit is flexible in the flesh.

· The Bible gives the causes of spiritual death and physical death: the flesh will die because of man’s sin, and the spirit will be separated from God because of man’s sin.

· The spirit is the true life, and the flesh is the clothing of the spirit.

Focus Points:

A. Those who have life are those who follow Jesus

We can classify people's self-revelation to Jesus Christ: I am the bread of heaven, divided into three categories: (1) retreating unbelievers; (2) leaving unbelievers; (3) leaving believers. The first two types of people are one kind of people, both belong to lifeless people, people who don't follow Jesus. The latter category of people are those who truly believe in Jesus' life.

1. An unbeliever has no life (v 60-66) There are four sufficient reasons to leave Jesus. Leaving Jesus means leaving life and choosing death!

(1) Jesus directly exposed their motives for following Him.

(2) They are not ready to surrender their sovereignty, so they cannot take a step beyond their confidence.

(3) They could not accept that Jesus Christ declared that he was greater than Moses.

(4) The metaphor of the bread itself offends the taboo of the Israelites.

Jesus also gave the real reason for their departure: Jesus' answer to these people was: believing that Jesus is the bread of heaven is a gift from the Father. Salvation is a gift from God.

2. Those who betrayed Jesus have no life (vv 70-71)

The second type of people are those who did not respond among the disciples, that is, Judas who will betray the Lord in the future.

B. Those who have life are those who follow Jesus The third type of people were among the twelve disciples, except for Judas, and it was the eleven disciples who really followed and believed in Jesus. (v 63)

· What Jesus Christ said is inseparable from Jesus Christ.

· Truly believing in Jesus is inseparable from believing in his words (John 5:46-47).

· Believing what he said is to follow Jesus.

The Lord Jesus said, "You should enter the narrow door, because the door leading to destruction is wide, the road is big, and there are many people going in; but the door leading to life is narrow, and the road is small. Find it There are also few people." (Matthew 7:13-14)

C. Those who obtain life are the ones chosen by God Salvation of man is not the man’s own choice, rather, the choice of God. Those who truly believe are those chosen by God. 1. Man cannot find the true God on his own 2. The truth that believers must be clear of


1. God's work of saving human history is proactive.

2. People have to bear full responsibility for their unbelief. 3. For the saved ones and believers, it is out of God's mercy and choice


*Humans sin because they do not believe in the word of God. *The only way for people to be saved is to believe in God coming to save people. *Peter is converted to Christ! Are you converted to Jesus Christ? *There is no heavenly life without conversion to Christ, no real life! Do you know Jesus? To know him, one must be familiar with and remember the words of Jesus Christ, the Bible! Do you believe everything He said? Do you know about the Bible? This Bible is the precious life-giving word! Read it, love Him, think about Him, because He is the spirit and He is your life!

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