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2021.11.21 約翰福音12:1-8 「耶稣, 进入死亡的主」

作家相片: Pastor Peter Liu 劉彼得牧師Pastor Peter Liu 劉彼得牧師

经文 :【约翰福音12:1-8】

12 1逾越节前六日,耶稣来到伯大尼,就是他叫拉撒路从死里复活之处。



4 有一个门徒,就是那将要卖耶稣的加略人犹大,


6 他说这话,并不是挂念穷人,乃因他是个贼,又带着钱囊,常取其中所存的。

7 耶稣说:「由她吧!她是为我安葬之日存留的。

8 因为常有穷人和你们同在,只是你们不常有我。 」





马大伺候,马大是一位行动力特别强的人。 她发挥她的特长服侍主。 圣经从来没有否认用实际行动服侍主是次要的。  相反,听道之后却一直没有行动的人乃是内心僵死的人。

拉撒路的服侍,就是同耶稣一同坐席。 将来在天家,在神的国里面,我们每一位圣徒将和我们的救主耶稣基督同桌同坐席! 一同品尝天国的宴席!

马利亚用真哪哒香膏给耶稣抹脚,而且她用自己的头发去擦耶稣的脚。 她是在敬拜耶稣,她用自己所有的谦卑来敬拜耶稣这位神! 

你是如何报答、如何敬拜耶稣的? 你是否也把自己最好的给了耶稣, 是否用最谦卑、最感恩的方式敬拜着耶稣? 你是否一直都是这样敬拜耶稣?


出卖耶稣的加略人犹大是一个爱钱之人。 第一, 他不是挂念穷人; 第二,他对钱很感兴趣; 第三, 他的行为,偷窃钱财。

如今的教会里的有不少犹大类型的人物。 他们嘴上讲的非常好听的爱主、爱人的话语,可是实际上他们根本不是来爱主和爱人。



伯大尼的群众看到的是一位生命的主, 他们敬拜赞美,称颂的是一位复活死人的主。 但是,他们没有想到的是耶稣也是一位走向死亡,并且甘心被埋葬的主! 要拯救罪人, 他要成为必死之人的道路、真理和生命。



耶稣为所有人打算。他定意要为众人死,他要甘心情愿为众人死,要心甘情愿走向耶路撒冷,背起自己的十字架,然后被钉死在十字架上, 去经历作为神从未经历过的死亡。这一切都是为了消灭死亡、拯救罪人!


  • 今天教会的基督徒呢?西北教会的弟兄姊妹,你们是谁? 马利亚一类? 犹大之另类?

  • 让我们生命气息全然为主, 让耶稣的心得到满足! 因为他为你我走向死亡,拥抱死亡,为了拯救你我!


Scripture: John 12:1-8

Anointed at Bethany (Matthew 26·6-13; Mark 14.3-9) 1Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead.

2Here a dinner was given in Jesus' honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him.

3Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus' feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.

4But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected,

5"Why wasn't this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year's wages."

6He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it.

7"Leave her alone," Jesus replied. "It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial.

8You will always have the poor among you, but you will not always have me."


Jesus declared himself to be resurrection and life (11:25). Not only did he say it, but he really did it.

A. The Lord who resurrected Lazarus (V1-3) 1. One type of disciple

  • Martha serves, Martha is a very capable person. She used her expertise to serve the Lord. The Bible never denies that serving the Lord with practical actions is secondary. On the contrary, the person who has not acted after listening to the sermon is the person whose heart is dead.

  • The service of Lazarus is to sit down with Jesus. In the future in the house of heaven, in the kingdom of God, each of our saints will sit at the same table with our Savior, Jesus Christ! Taste the banquet of heaven together!

  • Mary wiped Jesus' feet with pure Nard, and she wiped Jesus' feet with her hair. She is worshiping Jesus, and she uses all her humility to worship Jesus, the God!

  • How did you repay and worship Jesus? Have you given your best to Jesus? Have you worshiped Jesus in the most humble and most grateful way? Have you always worshiped Jesus like this?

2. Another type of disciples (V4-8)

  • Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Jesus, was a lover of money. First, he is not concerned about the poor; second, he is very interested in money; third, his behavior is to steal money.

  • There are many Judas-type figures in the church today. They speak very nice words about loving the Lord and loving others, but in fact they are not here to love the Lord and loving others at all.

B. The Lord who entered death 1. Such a Savior

The crowd in Bethany saw a Lord of life, they worshiped and praised, and praised the Lord who raised the dead. However, what they did not expect was that Jesus was also a Lord who was going to die and was willing to be buried! To save the sinner, he must be the way, truth, and the life for the mortal.

2. Jesus figures for everyone

Jesus figures for everyone. He was determined to die for everyone, he wanted to die for everyone willingly, and he wanted to go to Jerusalem willingly, take up his cross, and then be nailed to the cross to experience death that he had never experienced as the God. All this is to destroy death and save sinners!


  • What about the Christians in the church today? Brothers and sisters from the Northwest Chinese Baptist Church, who are you? Mary’s kind? Judah's kind?

  • Let our breath of life be for the Lord, and let Jesus' heart be satisfied! Because he walked toward death for you and me, embraced death, in order to save you and me!

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Northwest Chinese Baptist Church of Houston is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization under The Baptist General Convention of Texas.​

(281) 955-6299 
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Houston Texas 77066
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