经文 :【约翰福音 10:1 - 21】
3看门的就给他开门;羊也听他的声音。 他按著名叫自己的羊,把羊领出来。
5羊不跟着生人;因为不认得他的声音。 必要逃跑。
18没有人夺我的命去,是我自己舍的。 我有权柄舍了,也有权柄取回来。 这是我从我父所受的命令。
21又有人说:这不是鬼附之人所说的话。 鬼岂能叫瞎子的眼睛开了呢?
导言 :
牧师的职责是照养羊群,但是,有些是假牧师。 为什么是这样呢? 因为罪人受自己的欲望辖治,就被撒旦利用成为攻击神和他教会的工具。 感谢主,他亲自启示给我们:真正好牧人的榜样和标准, 也提醒我们分辨谁不是真正的好牧人。 这样,我们这些属于主的羊就不至于迷失,就不至于受恶者的伤害。 《约翰福音》第十章主耶稣亲自用比喻教导和启示门徒:唯有耶稣是真正的好牧人。 他们当信靠跟随耶稣。
一、 耶稣是门 (vv. 1-6)
• 羊圈的比喻 - 借着这个比喻耶稣告诉门徒:他自己是唯一的得救之门,唯有他是罪人的拯救。 唯有他是他们的门,他们在地上得救的盼望。
• 在得救的道路唯有一条,得救的窄门唯有一个,就是耶稣基督!
二、耶稣是好牧人 (vv. 7-21)
1. 他聚集羊群 (v.9)
2. 供应羊群
· 凡从我进来的,必然得救,并且出入得草吃。
· 《诗篇23》这样描述我们所敬拜的神,耶和华是一位伟大的牧者。
3. 他保护羊群
保护羊群靠的是牧人。 主耶稣启示了两种牧人: 好牧人和雇工
1). 贪生雇工 (vv. 12-13)
· 雇工的特点就是危险来的时候,只顾自己的性命安危,不顾羊的生命安危。 羊不是他的! 他不愿意为他们付出代价,不想为羊舍命。
· 因他是雇工,并不顾念羊。 平日没有危险的时候,你看不出雇工的本相。 但是,危险来临的时候,他们就会原形毕露,专顾自己。 不是因为他是牧人,一时软弱逃走。 而是因为他就是雇工,所以逃走,所以不顾念羊!
2). 舍命牧者
• 警察和消防员之所以但受尊敬,因为他们的工作常常面临生命危险,有殉职的可能。 9/11的时候,世贸大厦被飞机撞上了,人们都在撤离, 警察和消防员则冲向大楼。 但危险来临的时候,他们不是逃离危险,而是面对危险。
• 牧师的工作被人尊重也是如此, 就是因为牧师为羊舍命。 但危险来临的时候,牧师不是放弃羊群逃离,而是留下保护羊群。
• 但是,今天的牧者中出现了不少雇工,所以教会和社会都不像以往尊重他们了。 但同时,真正的警察、真正的消防员、真正的牧师和真正的领袖也出现了。 他们都有一个共同的特点就是耶稣所说的: 11 我是好牧人;好牧人为羊舍命。 神的话语是如此宝贵。 一句话就点出了好牧人的精髓。 「好牧人为羊舍命」,是的。 保护羊群是有代价的,保护羊群是需要有自己牺牲精神的。
• 大卫是爱羊群的牧者。 他忠心父亲的托付,保护羊群,他勇敢。 (撒上17:34-35)。
• 耶稣是好牧人,他为羊舍命走向十字架。 他要用自己的死,用牧人的死来拯救自己的羊群。 他不是一位有可能会舍命的牧者,他是一位必须要舍命的牧者。 他来就是要为羊死,他活在这个世界就是为了羊而死,他的存在的目的就是死,主动地死,定意地去走向十字架去死。
三、 如何认识这位好牧人,并且成为好牧人的羊?
1. 好牧人认识自己的羊 (v. 14)(耶1:5)
• 神认识我们是因为他是我们的门,他召聚我们,他供应我们,他保护我们。
• 神认识自己的选民,并且不断召唤他们。 (耶利米书3:12-15)
• 按照神的应许,他差派自己的儿子耶稣基督作为应许的牧人来召聚我们。 当耶稣来到世界传道的时候,他宣告说:「天国近了,你们当悔改!」
• 神认识我们,我们才能认识神,因为他是我们的召聚者,他呼召我们,乃是让我们悔改,他要供应我们,保护我们。
2. 羊也认识好牧人 (vv. 14-18)
• 正是因为神先认识我们,我们也认识神。
• 天父认识耶稣,耶稣也认识神,他每做一件事都是奉天父的旨意而行。
• 我们认识我们的牧人耶稣因为我们听到了好牧人的声音。
• 我们认识我们的牧人耶稣因为我们跟随着他。 他是走在前面的神!
• 我们认识我们的牧人耶稣因为我们知道好牧人为我们而死。
• 我们认识我们的牧人耶稣因为我们知道他是为我们死为我们复活的神。
3. 人们对神的回应:(vv. 19-21)
结语 :
• 你的牧人是谁?
• 我们生命的唯一牧人就是耶稣,耶稣是唯一的好牧人! 耶稣是唯一完美的好牧人!
• 耶稣是唯一的道路,唯一的真理,唯一的生命! 我来了,是要叫羊得生命,并且得的更丰盛。
• 你得生命了吗? 你的生命更加丰盛了吗?
Scripture: John 10: 1-21
1 “Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber. 2 The one who enters by the gate is the shepherd of the sheep. 3 The gatekeeper opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out. 4 When he has brought out all his own, he goes on ahead of them, and his sheep follow him because they know his voice. 5 But they will never follow a stranger; in fact, they will run away from him because they do not recognize a stranger’s voice.” 6 Jesus used this figure of speech, but the Pharisees did not understand what he was telling them. 7 Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep. 8 All who have come before me are thieves and robbers, but the sheep have not listened to them. 9 I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture. 10 The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full. 11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 12 The hired hand is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep. So when he sees the wolf coming, he abandons the sheep and runs away. Then the wolf attacks the flock and scatters it. 13 The man runs away because he is a hired hand and cares nothing for the sheep. 14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me— 15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep. 16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.17 The reason my Father loves me is that I lay down my life—only to take it up again. 18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have authority to lay it down and authority to take it up again. This command I received from my Father.” 19 The Jews who heard these words were again divided. 20 Many of them said, “He is demon-possessed and raving mad. Why listen to him?” 21 But others said, “These are not the sayings of a man possessed by a demon. Can a demon open the eyes of the blind?”
The duty of the pastor is to take care of the sheep, but there are some false pastors. Why is it so? Because sinners are governed by their own desires, they are used by Satan as a tool to attack God and His church. Thank the Lord, He personally revealed to us: the example and standard of a true good shepherd, and also reminds us who is not a true good shepherd. In this way, we sheep who belong to the Lord will not get lost and will not be hurt by the evil one. The tenth chapter of the Gospel of John, the Lord Jesus himself taught and revealed to his disciples in parables: Only Jesus is the true good shepherd. They should trust and follow Jesus.
Key Points:
A. Jesus is the door (vv. 1-6)
· The parable of the sheep pen: Through this parable, Jesus told his disciples: He himself is the only door to salvation, and only he is the salvation of sinners. He alone is their door, their hope of salvation on earth.
There is only one way to salvation, and there is only one narrow door to salvation, which is Jesus Christ!
B. Jesus is the Good Shepherd (vv 7-21)
A good shepherd usually has three characteristics, and Jesus just proved that he is a good shepherd:
1. He gathers the flock (v.9)
I am the door
2. He supplies the flock
· Anyone who comes in through me will be saved, and there will be grass
· "Psalm 23" describes the God we worship, Jehovah is a great shepherd.
3. He protects the flock It is the shepherd who protects the sheep. The Lord Jesus revealed two types of shepherds: the good shepherd and the hired worker 1) Hireling cares for his own life (vv. 12-13)
· The characteristic of hired workers is that when danger comes, they only care about their own lives and ignore the lives of sheep. The sheep is not his! He was unwilling to pay for them, and didn't want to lay down his life for the sheep.
· Because he is a hired worker, he doesn't care about sheep. When there is no danger on weekdays, you can't see the true nature of a hired worker. However, when danger comes, they will show their true colors and take care of themselves. Not because he was a shepherd and fled in a moment of weakness. But because he was a hired worker, he ran away, so he ignored the sheep!
2) Shepherds who sacrificed their lives
· The reason why police and firefighters are respected is that their jobs are often life-threatening and there is a possibility of death. On 9/11, the World Trade Center was hit by a plane, people were evacuating, and police and firefighters rushed to the building. But when danger comes, they are not fleeing from danger, but facing danger.
· The work of a pastor is also respected, because the pastor lay down his life for the sheep. But when danger came, the pastor did not abandon the flock and flee, but stayed to protect the flock.
· However, there are a lot of hired workers among the pastors today, so the church and society do not respect them as they did in the past. But at the same time, real police, real firefighters, real priests and real leaders also appeared. They all have one characteristic in common, which is what Jesus said: 11 I am the good shepherd; the good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. The word of God is so precious. One sentence points out the essence of the good shepherd. "The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep", yes. There is a price to protect the flock, and to protect the flock requires self-sacrifice.
· David is a shepherd who loves the sheep. Entrusted by his loyal father to protect the sheep, he is brave. (1 Samuel 17:34-35).
· Jesus is the good shepherd. He gave his life on the cross for the sheep. He will use his own death and the death of the shepherd to save his flock. He is not a shepherd who might die, he is a shepherd who must die. He came to die for the sheep, and he lived in this world to die for the sheep. The purpose of his existence is to die, to die actively, and to go to the cross and die determinedly.
C. How to get to know this good shepherd and become the sheep of the good shepherd?
1. The good shepherd knows his sheep (v. 14) (Jeremiah 1:5)
· God knows us because he is our door, he gathers us, he provides for us, and he protects us.
· God knows his chosen people and keeps calling them. (Jeremiah 3:12-15)
· In accordance with God's promise, he sent his Son, Jesus Christ, as the promised shepherd to gather us. When Jesus came to the world to preach, he declared: "The kingdom of heaven is near, and you must repent!"
· Only when God knows us can we know God, because He is our gatherer. He calls us to repent. He wants to provide for us and protect us.
2. Sheep also know the good shepherd (vv 14-18)
· Just because God knows us first, we also know God.
· Heavenly Father knows Jesus, and Jesus knows God. He does everything in accordance with the Father’s will.
· We know our shepherd Jesus because we heard the voice of the good shepherd.
· We know our shepherd Jesus because we follow him. He is the god who walks ahead!
· We know our shepherd Jesus because we know that the good shepherd died for us.
· We know our shepherd Jesus because we know that He is the God who died for us and was resurrected for us.
3. People's response to God: (vv. 19-21) Your response?
· Who is your shepherd?
· The only shepherd in our lives is Jesus, and Jesus is the only good shepherd! Jesus is the only perfect good shepherd!
· Jesus is the only way, the only truth, and the only life! I am here to let the sheep gain life and gain more abundantly.
· Do you have life? Is your life more abundant?