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2021.08.29 約翰福音12:1-11「真实的敬拜」

作家相片: Pastor Boaz Yang 楊文皓牧師Pastor Boaz Yang 楊文皓牧師


1逾越节前六日,耶稣来到伯大尼,就是他叫拉撒路从死里复活之处。 2有人在那里给耶稣预备筵席;马大伺候,拉撒路也在那同耶稣坐席的人中。 3马利亚就拿着一斤极贵的真哪哒香膏,抹耶稣的脚,又用自己头发去擦,屋里就满了膏的香气。 4有一个门徒,就是那将要卖耶稣的加略人犹大,5说:这香膏为什么不卖三十两银子赒济穷人呢? 6他说这话,并不是挂念穷人,乃因他是个贼,又带着钱囊,常取其中所存的。 7 耶稣说:由他罢!他是为我安葬之日存留的。 8因为常有穷人和你们同在,只是你们不常有我。 9有许多犹太人知道耶稣在那里,就来了,不但是为耶稣的缘故,也是要看他从死里所复活的拉撒路。 10但祭司长商议连拉撒路也要杀了;11因有好些犹太人为拉撒路的缘故,回去信了耶稣。


一、马利亚:敬拜的本质 (v1-3)



• 思想马大的服侍。她通过服务的行动来敬拜耶稣。

• 不一定要做在人前才算是敬拜耶稣,一间教会的建造,完全离不开许许多多弟兄姐妹在幕后辛苦而且努力的付出,服侍。默想一下,你在教会中能够通过什么样实际的行动来敬拜上帝呢?


· 敬拜上帝需要付出代價,但儘管如此,你還是願意敬拜上帝,因為你愛祂。


· 一個正確的敬拜神的姿態,應該是一個卑微的姿態。

· 「当你们中的一些人站在这里唱诗、讲道、读经、祷告的时候,当你服侍神的时候,当你来教会参加主日敬拜,坐在下面唱诗听讲道的时候;当你通过工作敬拜神的时候;当你通过做饭或者打扫卫生敬拜神的时候;也包括当你通过奉献钱财给教会来敬拜神的时候。马利亚的举动教导我们,谦卑才是敬拜的正确姿态。」


• 敬拜是荣美的,愿世人都亲自见证,一群上帝的百姓聚集在一起敬拜时候的荣美和馨香。如同香膏的香气,充满整个屋子。

二、犹大:敬拜的优先秩序 (v4-8)

• 犹大的话暗含着一种试探。耶稣的回应体现出:帮助穷人的事不能夺去敬拜上帝的优先地位。教会的首要任务是敬拜上帝。

• 教会存在的首要目的,是要传扬福音,建造门徒。这是教会的使命,也是教会的定义。其他社会慈善和公义事业都很好,但不应该成为教会的使命和目的。

三、拉撒路:敬拜的果效 (v9-11)

• 一个复活的生命,可以带来敬拜,而那样的敬拜,是何等美妙。

• 一群复活的生命,可以带来敬拜,而那样的敬拜,将令世界震撼。


Scripture: John 12:1-11

12 Six days before the Passover, Jesus came to Bethany, where Lazarus lived, whom Jesus had raised from the dead. 2 Here a dinner was given in Jesus’ honor. Martha served, while Lazarus was among those reclining at the table with him. 3 Then Mary took about a pint of pure nard, an expensive perfume; she poured it on Jesus’ feet and wiped his feet with her hair. And the house was filled with the fragrance of the perfume.4 But one of his disciples, Judas Iscariot, who was later to betray him, objected, 5 “Why wasn’t this perfume sold and the money given to the poor? It was worth a year’s wages.” 6 He did not say this because he cared about the poor but because he was a thief; as keeper of the money bag, he used to help himself to what was put into it. 7 “Leave her alone,” Jesus replied. “It was intended that she should save this perfume for the day of my burial. 8 You will always have the poor among you,[c] but you will not always have me.”9 Meanwhile a large crowd of Jews found out that Jesus was there and came, not only because of him but also to see Lazarus, whom he had raised from the dead. 10 So the chief priests made plans to kill Lazarus as well, 11 for on account of him many of the Jews were going over to Jesus and believing in him.

Focus Points:

1. Mary: The Nature of Worship (v1-3)

(1) Worship is about knowing who God is, receiving Him and worshiping Him.

(2) Worship can be done in many ways.

· Let’s think about the service of Martha. She worshiped Jesus through acts of service.

It is not necessary to worship Jesus in front of others. The building of a church is completely inseparable from the hard work and service of many brothers and sisters behind the scenes. Let’s ponder for a moment. What practical actions can you take in the church to worship God?

(3) Worship comes at a price.

· Worshiping God requires paying a price, but in spite of this, you are still willing to worship God because you love Him.

(4) Worship is humble.

· A correct attitude of worshiping God should be a humble attitude.

"When some of you are standing here singing, preaching, reading, praying, when you are serving God, when you come to church to participate in Sunday worship, when you sit down and sing and listen to the sermon; when you worship God by work; when you worship God by cooking or cleaning; as well, when you worship God by offering money to the church. Mary’s actions teach us that humility is the right attitude to worship.”

(5) Worship is glorious.

· Worship is glorious. May all people personally witness the beauty and fragrance as a group of God’s people gather together to worship. The fragrance is like the Nard Oil that filled the entire house.

2. Judas: Priorities of Worship (v4-8)

· Judas' words implied a temptation. Jesus’ response demonstrated that helping the poor cannot take away the priority of worshiping God. The first task of the church is to worship God.

· The primary purpose of the existence of the church is to preach the gospel and build up disciples. This is the mission of the church and the definition of the church. Other charities and justice are good deeds, but they should not become the mission and purpose of the church.

3. Lazarus: the effect of worship (v9-11)

· A resurrected life can bring about worship, and that kind of worship is so wonderful.

· A group of resurrected lives can bring about worship, and such worship will shake the world.

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