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2021.08.22 約翰福音8:21-30「你是谁」

作家相片: Pastor Peter Liu 劉彼得牧師Pastor Peter Liu 劉彼得牧師



















• 要肩负劳苦的生命。 (传1:13)

• 虚空的生命。 (传3:19-20)

• 对未来无知的。 (传10:14)

• 无法掌管自己命运的生命。 (传8:8)

• 无法晓得神作为的生命。 (传11:5)

2.人是属这个世界的: 世界是由人组成的,什么的人就是组成什么样的世界。

• 世界是由人组成的,什么的人就是组成什么样的世界。 (罗1:23) 、(罗1:28-31)、(提后3:2-5)、(箴9:3)

• 在我们属基督之前,我们就是这样世界的一个分子, 我们属于这个可怕的充满罪恶的世界

3.人必要死在罪中的: (v21)

• 我们必要死在罪中。这是耶稣给我们的最后通牒! (传9:3)

• 但人不是绝对没有盼望,我们唯一的盼望就是信耶稣基督是基督。


• 得救的唯一道路就是相信耶稣是基督!耶稣是基督乃是信的内容。 (约20:31)

• 耶稣的身份乃是我们生命中最应当关切的问题。因为它关系到我们的生死!

三、耶稣, 你是谁?

1. 耶稣是基督,因为耶稣是从上头来的 (v23):是从神那里,众光之父那里来的。他是自有永有、无所不在的神。

2. 耶稣是基督,因为耶稣不属于这世界 (创3:14-19)(西1:16):这世界是堕落的世界。

3. 耶稣是基督,因为他要为罪人上十字架 (v25-27) (弗1:4-7) (赛9:6-7; 53:12):耶稣在十字架上的死彰显了两个事实:神无比的牺牲、以及人的无比的不配。

4. 耶稣是基督,因为神与他同在 (v28-29):他是道成肉身的神,他是完全顺服神旨意成就神一切律法的耶稣!

四、耶稣是基督,我们该怎么活? (v30)

信耶稣是把自己全然地交托给主,信是依靠,是把自己交托,是把自己顺服在上帝的旨意之下。把自己的生命主权,把自己时间,把自己金钱,把自己的智慧交给上帝,并且按照上帝的旨意管理。相信耶稣知道一切、掌管一切、相信他胜过死亡、相信他是唯一的救主、相信他是耶和华神赐下的拯救,并且按照他所吩咐的一切去行,凡事讨他的喜悦!人有神的儿子就有生命,没有神的儿子就没有生命。 (约一5:12)


• 不要以为你不相信就可以安然无事了,似乎信仰和你们没有关系的。不要忘记:不相信耶稣的人是得不到永生的,并且神的震怒常在他身上。

• 不要以为有财富就是神的祝福,不义之财毫无益处。

• 金钱不是你的救主,健康不是你的救主,地位不是你的救主,工作不是你的救主,佛不是你的救主,阿拉不是你的救主,唯一耶稣是基督,是我们的救主,唯一的救主!

• 你在信靠耶稣基督吗?你在信靠耶稣基督吗?你在信靠耶稣基督吗?


Scripture: John 8:21-30

21 Once more Jesus said to them, “I am going away, and you will look for me, and you will die in your sin. Where I go, you cannot come.” 22 This made the Jews ask, “Will he kill himself? Is that why he says, ‘Where I go, you cannot come’?” 23 But he continued, “You are from below; I am from above. You are of this world; I am not of this world. 24 I told you that you would die in your sins; if you do not believe that I am he, you will indeed die in your sins.” 25 “Who are you?” they asked. “Just what I have been telling you from the beginning,” Jesus replied. 26 “I have much to say in judgment of you. But he who sent me is trustworthy, and what I have heard from him I tell the world.” 27 They did not understand that he was telling them about his Father. 28 So Jesus said, “When you have lifted up[a] the Son of Man, then you will know that I am he and that I do nothing on my own but speak just what the Father has taught me. 29 The one who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, for I always do what pleases him.” 30 Even as he spoke, many believed in him.


Who are we? Who is Jesus?

John 8:23-24 clearly reveals the situation and identity of man and the situation and identity of Jesus himself.

Focus Points:

A. Human, who are you?

To sum up the human situation, there are three points:

1. People come from below:

· To shoulder a hard life. (Ecclesiastes1:13)

· Void life. (Ecclesiastes 3:19-20)

· I am ignorant of the future. (Ecclesiastes 10:14)

· A life that cannot control one's own destiny. (Ecclesiastes 8:8)

The life that is unable to know God's deeds. (Ecclesiastes 11:5)

2. People belong to this world

· The world is made up of people, and what kind of people is the kind of world is composed. (Romans 1:23; 28-31), (2 Timothy 3:2-5), (Proverbs 9:3)

Before we belong to Christ, we were a member of such a world, and we belonged to this terrible sinful world

3. People must die in sin: (v21)

· We must die in sin. This is the ultimatum given by Jesus! (Ecclesiastes 9:3)

· But people are not absolutely hopeless, our only hope is to believe that Jesus Christ is the Christ.

B. Salvation lies in Jesus Christ

· The only way to be saved is to believe that Jesus is the Christ! Jesus is the Christ and the content of faith. (John 20:31)

The identity of Jesus is the most important concern in our lives. Because it is related to our life and death!

C. Jesus, who are you?

1. Jesus is the Christ because Jesus came from above (v23): He came from God, the Father of Lights. He is an eternal and omnipresent God.

2. Jesus is the Christ because Jesus does not belong to this world (Genesis 3:14-19) (Colossians 1:16): This world is a fallen world.

3. Jesus is the Christ because he wants to go to the cross for sinners (v25-27) (Ephesians 1:4-7) (Isaiah 9:6-7; 53:12): Jesus' death on the cross reveals two facts : God’s incomparable sacrifice, and man’s incomparable unworthiness.

4. Jesus is the Christ because God is with him (v28-29): He is the incarnate God, he is the Jesus who completely obeyed God's will and fulfilled all the laws of God!

D. Jesus is the Christ, how should we live? (v30)

To believe in Jesus is to entrust oneself to the Lord completely, to believe is to rely on, to entrust oneself, and to submit oneself to the will of God. Give your own sovereignty of life, your time, your money, and your wisdom to God, and manage them in accordance with God's will. Believe that Jesus knows everything, controls everything, believe that he is over death, believe that he is the only savior, believe that he is the salvation given by the Lord God, and do everything that he commands, and please him in everything! People who have the Son of God have life, and those who do not have the Son of God have no life. (1 John:5:12)


· Don’t think that you can be safe if you don’t believe it, it seems that faith has nothing to do with you. Don't forget: people who don't believe in Jesus can't have eternal life, and God's wrath is always on him.

· Don't think that having wealth is God's blessing, and that ill-gotten wealth is of no benefit.

· Money is not your savior, health is not your savior, status is not your savior, work is not your savior, Buddha is not your savior, Allah is not your savior, only Jesus is Christ, our savior, the only savior!

· Are you trusting in Jesus Christ? Are you trusting in Jesus Christ? Are you trusting in Jesus Christ?

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