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2021.07.25 約翰福音8:1-11「当罪人遇见法官」

作家相片: Pastor Peter Liu 劉彼得牧師Pastor Peter Liu 劉彼得牧師

经文 :【约翰福音8章1-11节】

1. 于是各人都回家去了;耶稣却往橄榄山去,

2. 清早又回到殿里。众百姓都到他那里去,他就坐下,教训他们。

3. 文士和法利赛人带着一个行淫时被拿的妇人来,叫他站在当中,

4. 就对耶稣说:夫子,这妇人是正行淫之时被拿的。

5. 摩西在律法上吩咐我们把这样的妇人用石头打死。你说该把他怎么样呢?

6. 他们说这话,乃试探耶稣,要得着告他的把柄。耶稣却弯着腰,用指头在地上画字。

7. 他们还是不住的问他,耶稣就直起腰来,对他们说:你们中间谁是没有罪的,谁就可以先拿石头打他。

8. 于是又弯着腰,用指头在地上画字。

9. 他们听见这话,就从老到少,一个一个的都出去了,只剩下耶稣一人,还有那妇人仍然站在当中。

10. 耶稣就直起腰来,对他说:妇人,那些人在哪里呢?没有人定你的罪吗?

11. 他说:主啊,没有。耶稣说:我也不定你的罪。去吧,从此不要再犯罪了!

耶稣 唯一的判官


全球最大偷情网站Ashley Madison的泄密事件发展至今已有失控现象,目前至少3人因此事自杀身亡,死者包括2名加拿大人以及1名美国警长,数十万华人牵涉其中。不只是普通人,神学教授也参与其中。新奥尔良神学院的教授兼牧师吉布森也因此事自杀。人们所了解的吉布森教授是一个把生命倾注到他人身上的人,他传递上帝的恩赐和慈悲,宽恕所有人,但却没有包括他自己。

《约翰福音》第八章讲述的是一个行淫的时候被抓住的妇女。当时的社会和我们今天的没有很大的不同, 我们今天婚外情和婚外同居的现象司空见惯,当时男女偷情也是很平常的事。但是, 这个行淫的女子却是一个犹太人,活在当时一个道德规范严厉的信仰体系之下, 行淫则是被摩西律法禁止的事。她不但道德上被认为是败坏,就连她的生命存活也面临挑战。


如何处理罪?在处理罪的时候, 有三个要素: 确定罪, 确定罪人,确定判官。让我们一起来比较一下世人的方法和耶稣的方法的不同。

1. 首先, 要确定罪。

1) 世人确定罪的方法

在确定这个女人犯罪的事上,我们看到两个不同的标准。一个是犹太 人的律法, 因为这个女人是一个犹太妇女。原则上,她受到摩西律法的束缚。她违背了诫命的第七条:不可奸淫。另一个标准是罗马的法律,按照当时罗马的法律,犯奸淫并不是一件大不了的事情。只有女人的丈夫没有发觉或是不反对,这就不构成犯罪。这也是当时犹太人所陷入的两难处境。


2) 基督確定罪的方式(V6)

上帝的律法是定罪的標準。 這律法的總結就是十誡。違背律法就是罪。 律法是定罪的標準! 有了標準才能確定犯罪的人。

2. 其次,要確定罪人



3. 第三, 確定判官

1)世人確定判官的方法 (V7-8)



1. 世俗方法

2. 什么是这福音呢? (V9-11)

3. 用福音来面对罪

第一, 不可轻视罪。

第二, 更不可藐视律法。

第三, 要以恩慈怜悯的心爱罪人,吩咐他们不要再犯罪。


  • 违背律法的是我们,按照上帝公义的律法, 我们都应当受审判。

  • 但是, 审判却还没有临到我们, 因为神给我们一段恩典的时段,让我们得救。神的儿子为我们死!去吧,从此不要再犯罪了这是这段经文的最后一句话。如何不要再犯罪呢?

  • 胜过罪的秘诀来自不定罪的好消息。福音之所以被称为福音,是因为他是好消息。

  • 圣经告诉我们: 没有义人, 一个都没有。人都偏离了神。在神的律法面前, 我们都当受到律法的审判。然而, 神在基督里启示给我们一个好消息: 所有在基督里的人都不定罪了。这是因为基督担当了众人的罪!胜过罪的秘诀来自主耶稣赎罪的代价。

  • 福音不但拯救失丧者, 也让抵挡福音的恣意骄傲的人毁灭!

  • 愿我们都来领受神的怜悯, 接受天父在爱子耶稣里为我们成就的福音!


Scripture: John 8: 1-11

1 but Jesus went to the Mount of Olives.2 At dawn he appeared again in the temple courts, where all the people gathered around him, and he sat down to teach them. 3 The teachers of the law and the Pharisees brought in a woman caught in adultery. They made her stand before the group 4 and said to Jesus, “Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. 5 In the Law Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now what do you say?” 6 They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger. 7 When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.” 8 Again he stooped down and wrote on the ground.9 At this, those who heard began to go away one at a time, the older ones first, until only Jesus was left, with the woman still standing there. 10 Jesus straightened up and asked her, “Woman, where are they? Has no one condemned you?”11 “No one, sir,” she said. “Then neither do I condemn you,” Jesus declared. “Go now and leave your life of sin.”

Jesus, the Only Judge


The data breach of Ashley Madison, the world's largest sexual-oriented website, have been out of control. At least three people have committed suicide. The deceased include two Canadians and one American Sheriff. Hundreds of thousands of Chinese are involved. Not just ordinary people, but theology professors are also involved. Gibson, a professor and pastor at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, committed suicide. Professor Gibson was known to be a person who poured his life out on others. He passed on the gifts and mercy of God and forgave everyone, but he did not include himself.

The eighth chapter of the Gospel of John is about a woman who was caught while committing adultery. The society at that time was not very different from ours today. We are common in today's extramarital affairs and cohabitation. It was also common for men and women to have affair at that time. However, this adulterer was a Jewess, living under a belief system with strict ethics at the time, and adultery was prohibited by the Law of Moses. Not only was she considered morally corrupt, but her survival was also challenged.

A. How to deal with sin?

How to deal with crime? When dealing with a crime, there are three elements: confirm the guilt, confirm the guilty, and confirm the judge. Let us compare the methods of the world and the methods of Jesus.

1. First, we must confirm sin.

1) The way the world confirms sin We see two different standards in determining this woman's crime. One is the law of the Jewish people, because this woman is a Jewish woman. In principle, she was bound by the Law of Moses. She violated the seventh commandment: not to commit adultery. Another standard is the Roman law. According to the Roman law at the time, committing adultery was not a big deal. Only if the woman's husband does not notice or object, this does not constitute a crime. This was also the dilemma that the Jews fell into at that time. Today, in our social life, the determination of sin is basically based on the laws formulated by the authorities themselves. 2) Christ's way of confirming sin (V6) God's law is the standard for condemnation. The summary of this law is the Ten Commandments. Breaking the law is sin. The law is the standard for conviction! Only with standards can the person who committed the crime be identified.

2. Second, to identify the sinner

1) The world's method of identifying sinners

2) Christ’s way of identifying sinners

3. Third, determine the judge

1) How the world determines the judge (V7-8)

2) Christ is the only judge

B. How should the sinners be treated?

1. Secular methods

2. What is this gospel? (V9-11)

3. Face sin with the gospel

(a) sin should not be underestimated.

(b) let alone despise the law.

(c) love sinners with kindness and compassion and tell them not to sin again.

C. Conclusion:

  • We are the ones who violate the law. According to God's righteous law, we should all be judged.

  • However, the judgment has not yet come to us, because God has given us a period of grace for us to be saved. The Son of God died for us! Go ahead and stop committing crimes from now on! This is the last sentence of this passage. How to stop committing crimes?

  • The secret to victory over sin comes from the good news of no conviction. The gospel is called the gospel because it is good news.

  • The Bible tells us: There is no righteous person, there is no one. People have deviated from God. Before God's law, we should all be judged by the law. However, God has revealed to us good news in Christ: All people in Christ are not condemned. This is because Christ bore the sins of everyone! The secret to victory over sin comes from the cost of the Lord Jesus’ atonement.

  • The gospel not only saves the lost, but also destroys the self-righteous and proud people who resist the gospel!

  • May we all come to receive God's mercy and accept the gospel that the Father has accomplished for us in the Son, Jesus Christ!

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