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2021.07.11 加拉太書3:1-5「福音的大能」

Pastor Gideon Lim 林天賜牧師

经文 :【加拉太书3章1-5节】

1无知的加拉太人哪,耶稣基督钉十字架,已经活画在你们眼前,谁又迷惑了你们呢? 2我只要问你们这一件:你们受了圣灵,是因行律法呢?是因听信福音呢? 3你们既靠圣灵入门,如今还靠肉身成全吗?你们是这样的无知吗? 4你们受苦如此之多,都是徒然的吗?难道果真是徒然的吗? 5那赐给你们圣灵,又在你们中间行异能的,是因你们行律法呢?是因你们听信福音呢?


人回应上帝的方式有三种: 宗教、无宗教和福音。

• 提摩太.凯勒(Tim Keller)在他的《人生中的福音》(Gospel in Life)书中提到人们倾向于认为只有两种回应上帝的方式 -- 一是跟随祂,遵行祂的旨意,另外一个就是拒绝上帝,按照自己的方式处事。同时,他指出拒绝上帝有两种方式 -- 第一个是拒绝上帝的律法,按照你认为合适的方式生活。另一个则是通过遵守神的律法,做真正的好人,真正的道德,从而赢得自己的救赎。

• 回应上帝的方式其实不是两种,而是有三种方式,即宗教、无宗教和福音 – 借着信靠耶稣和上帝建立关系。


I. 人与上帝的关系区别:

1. 宗教 - 错误的「自我救赎」逃避与上帝的关系:仅忏悔罪过,而无真正的悔改。

2. 无宗教 - 错误的「自我救赎」逃避与上帝的关系:不悔改。

3. 福音 – 借着信靠耶稣和上帝建立关系: 忏悔罪过,为自己的罪和自以为义而悔改。

4. 无宗教和福音之间的区别很容易被发现。

5. 宗教和福音之间的差异很难辨别。

II. 我们靠福音得救(因信称义):

1. 基督徒要承认自己有问题:用宗教(通过顺服上帝的律法来作自己的救主)来代替上帝,或无宗教(通过悖逆上帝的律法来作自己的救主)来代替上帝。

2. 要成为基督徒必须知道,我们能被上帝接纳完全是因为耶稣基督为我们在十字架上所成就的救恩,而不是我们的成就。

加拉太书 2:16 「人称义不是因行律法,乃是因信耶稣基督。 所以我们也相信基督耶稣,好叫我们因信基督而不是因行律法称义,因为没有人因行律法称义。」

• 基督徒不仅认识耶稣,而是「见过」(被「活画」出来)在十字架上的耶稣,心被感动。因这种知识改变生命。

• 得救不是靠好行为而是相信唯独借着基督的恩典而得救时,圣灵就进入我们的生命。

• 新生命和相信福音有直接及密不可分的联系或关系。借着圣灵可得到新生命。


• 福音是神的大能、圣灵的大能临到我们的方式/进入我们生命的渠道和形式。

III. 我们靠福音成长(因信成圣):

• 通过将福音应用到生活的每个层面来成长。

• 如何从称义到成圣?答案是福音。

• 圣灵和福音不可分割。福音是神的大能,圣灵只有在你相信福音时才能工作,当福音被应用和使用时,神的能力才能在我们里面,通过我们工作。

提摩太.凯勒(Tim Keller)说:『我们需要意识到,所有的不顺服都源自某种形式的「靠行为称义」, 那就是我们仍然想透过「自我救赎」来掌控人生。 』

• 基督徒成长的方法是透持续认罪,根除「靠行为称义」的救赎系统:

(a) 对自己重述基督为我们成就的救赎大工,向自己传福音及不再认为自己可以透过努力得到完全。

(b) 放弃自我 - 相信基督在十字架上所做的及我们在祂里面的身份,改变了我们的心,在基督里成长。

• 真正改变必须依靠福音:

(a) 必须让福音教导你 -- 培训,管教、指导你。

(b) 必须思考福音在你生命的含义。

(c) 必须让福音深入你的内心,直到福音改变你的动机、观点、态度和行动。


• 我们不仅因靠福音得救(信靠基督),而且也靠因福音(信靠基督)而成长。

• 我们不仅因信靠基督而被称义,而且我们也因信基督而成长。

• 福音不仅足以让我们进入神国度的方式,也是神国度里的生活方式。

• 让我们每天记得继续将福音应用到我们的生活中,对自己传福音,这样我们就不会回到默认模式,而是继续成长,越来越有基督的样式。


Scripture: [Galatians 3:1-5]

1 You foolish Galatians! Who has bewitched you? Before your very eyes Jesus Christ was clearly portrayed as crucified.

2 I would like to learn just one thing from you: Did you receive the Spirit by the works of the law, or by believing what you heard?

3 Are you so foolish? After beginning by means of the Spirit, are you now trying to finish by means of the flesh?

4 Have you experienced so much in vain—if it really was in vain?

5 So again I ask, does God give you his Spirit and work miracles among you by the works of the law, or by your believing what you heard?


There are three ways people respond to God: religion, irreligion, and gospel.

• Tim Keller mentioned in his book "Gospel in Life" (Gospel in Life) that people tend to think that there are only two ways to respond to God-one is to follow Him and do His will. The other response is to reject God and do things your own way. At the same time, he pointed out that there are two ways to reject God - the first is to reject God's law and live the way you think fit. The other is to earn one's own salvation by observing God's law, being a real good person, good morality.

• There are actually not two ways to respond to God, but three ways, namely, religion, irreligion, and gospel - build a relationship with God by trusting in Jesus.

Focus Points:

I. The difference between the three types of relationship between man and God:

1. Religion - the wrong "self-salvation" exits from the relationship with God: only repentance of sins, but all repentance.

2. Irreligion - the wrong "self-salvation" exits the relationship with God: no repentance.

3. Gospel - build a relationship with God by trusting in Jesus: repent of your sins, repent of your sins and self-righteousness.

4. The difference between irreligion and gospel is easy to spot.

5. The difference between religion and gospel is difficult to distinguish.

II. We are saved by the gospel (justified by faith):

1. Christians must admit that they have problems: replace God with religion (being their savior by obeying God's law), or replace God with irreligion (being their savior by disobeying God's law).

2. Christians rely on remedies: ask God to accept us because of Jesus because of the salvation that Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross.

Galatians 2:16 "Man is not justified by obeying the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we also believe in Christ Jesus, so that we can be justified by faith in Christ and not by obedience to the law, because no one is justified by Justify by doing the law."

• Christians not only know Jesus, but they have "seen" (as a painted picture) Jesus on the cross, and their hearts are moved. Because of this knowledge, lives change.

• To be saved is not by good works, but by believing that the Holy Spirit enters our lives when we are saved by the grace of Christ alone.

• The new life has a direct and inseparable connection with or relationship with believing in the gospel. New life can be gained through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will not work without the gospel,

• The gospel is the way in which the power of God and the power of the Holy Spirit come to us/the channel and form to enter our lives.

II. We are saved by the gospel (justified by faith):

1. Christians must admit that they have problems: replace God with religion (being their savior by obeying God's law), or replace God with irreligion (being their savior by disobeying God's law).

2. Christians rely on remedies: ask God to accept us because of Jesus because of the salvation that Jesus Christ accomplished on the cross.

Galatians 2:16 "Man is not justified by obeying the law, but by faith in Jesus Christ. So we also believe in Christ Jesus, so that we can be justified by faith in Christ and not by obedience to the law, because no one is justified by Justify by doing the law."

• Christians not only know Jesus, but they have "seen" (as a painted picture) Jesus on the cross, and their hearts are moved. Because of this knowledge, lives change.

• To be saved is not by good works, but by believing that the Holy Spirit enters our lives when we are saved by the grace of Christ alone.

• The new life has a direct and inseparable connection with or relationship with believing in the gospel. New life can be gained through the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will not work without the gospel,

• The gospel is the way in which the power of God and the power of the Holy Spirit come to us/the channel and form to enter our lives.


• We are not only saved by the gospel (trust in Christ), but also grow by the gospel (trust in Christ).

• We are not only justified by faith in Christ, but we also grow by faith in Christ.

• The gospel is not only a way for us to enter the kingdom of God, but also a way of life in the kingdom of God.

• Let us remember to continue to apply the gospel to our lives and preach the gospel to ourselves so that we will not return to the default mode, but continue to grow and become more and more Christ-like.

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